How to book Makoto Endo
for a live motorcycle painting
You can book the artist for variety of motorcycle related events, shows, or even for a small home party.
Simply send an email request by providing with the following information:
Description of the motorcycle to be painted
Event details (location, date, website if available, etc.)
Here are the requirement to book the artist:
You will be responsible for all expenses including transportation (van rental and/or coach class round trip air tickets* depending on a location), and lodging. The artist management will handle all the bookings, and send you an estimate for approval. *If flying is involved, you will be charged for an additional $300 for a portable aluminum frame for cost-saving shipment.
You will not be charged for the live painting performance (free of charge), but a purchase of a work** to be done during the event is a requirement, and you will be asked to agree such purchase in prior to finalizing your booking. **$4,000 painting, ink on canvas, with a wooden frame in the size 66” x 48”
You will need to make the 50% deposit of the work ($2,000) to book the artist. You will pay the balance of $2,000 and the travel expenses at the event.
Please feel free to ask any questions.